Monkey Tycoon, the popular Roblox game where players build towers with colorful monkeys, has released a set of codes to enhance gameplay and provide free rewards. These codes, updated as of January 24, 2024, offer players a chance to earn monkeys, boosts, and sacrifices.
Working Codes:
- HughMungus: Get one million monkeys (it’s new!)
- /codelist: Score some free rewards
- Arboreal, Baboon, Gorilla, Orangutan, Primate, Simian: Each gives you a little something for free
- bugfixing: Grab five sacrifices
- Thanks, Nevergonnagiveyouup, Nevergonnaletyoudown, Nevergonnarunaroundanddesertyou, Nevergonnamakeyoucry, Nevergonnasaygoodbye, Nevergonnatellalieandhurtyou, Ape, Bakery, Tarantula: Each dishes out one million monkeys
- BloodForTheBloodGod: Two sacrifices up for grabs
- boogers: Snag a whopping 4.8 million monkeys (Activate at the leaderboard ghost at night)
- bottle: Three sacrifices are yours
- statues: Walk away with 4.8 million monkeys
- Asteroid: Get four sacrifices
- RollTheDice, PlayStreetWars: Random monkeys and two sacrifices respectively
- 142496: Grab one million monkeys
- Hot: Set yourself on fire (careful with this one!)
- Nothing: Another one million monkeys
- Freeslimemonkey: It’s a surprise!
- Cipher (1), RIGVSQERGIV, MonkeyTycoonForever: Each gives you 4.8 million monkeys
- MichaelsaJoestar, ELSEP03M: Score 10,000 monkeys
- Boostmeup: Activate a 3x time boost
- Murder: Get a sword for a little while
- IHopeNothingBadHappens: Instantly meet your fate
- GOOBLESTHEALIEN: Get 100,000 monkeys
- Nirvana: Two nukes coming your way
- monkey backward: 350k free monkeys
- RADIATION: Grab a free nuclear monkey
- monkey: More free monkeys
- Nuclear, LotsOfMonkeys: Both dish out high-tier monkeys
How to use the codes:
- Open up Roblox and start Monkey Tycoon.
- Click on the CODES button on the left of your screen.
- Type in the code where it says “Type Code Here” and hit APPLY CODE.
Only one code has expired – “BIGBOI.” The good news is, there’s plenty of active ones for you to enjoy. Use them before they expire, and we’ll keep you posted on any new ones. Happy monkey building!