In a strategic move to enhance its presence in the Indian gaming community, South Korean gaming giant Krafton has introduced Bollywood sensation Ranveer Singh as a playable character in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI).
Following Singh’s appointment as the brand ambassador for Krafton in September 2023, the latest update to BGMI includes two distinct 3D avatars of the actor – RS Dark Stealth and RS Swaggy Baba. This move is part of Krafton’s ongoing efforts to localize BGMI in India and attract a broader player base within the country.
The in-game experience has been enriched with emotes inspired by Ranveer Singh‘s iconic dance moves, featuring the Swagster Groove emote, Swagster Tathad emote, Swagster Sway emote, Swagster Twirl emote, along with a special voice pack and other items.
Ranveer Singh Joins the BGMI Game
Ranveer Singh’s inclusion as a playable character in BGMI comes on the heels of his collaboration with Krafton as the brand ambassador for the popular battle royale title. The actor’s virtual presence is expected to add a unique and exciting dimension to the gaming experience for Indian players.